GPIO and I2C mappings for Project Curacao

We have been asked to put together tables showing the i2c and GPIO mappings for both the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino Battery Watchdog in Project Curacao.  While you can figure it out from the software and comments, it would be great to have the mappings in one place.  We are also putting this in Article 5, Project Curacao Software.  Updated with solar/wind GPIOs on 01/07/14.

RaspBerry Pi i2c Mappings

i2c address Device Function
0x29 BM017 / TCS34725 RGBC Color Sensor
0x39 TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor
0x40 INA219 Raspberry Pi Input Voltage/Current
0x41 INA219 Battery Input Voltage/Current
0x44 INA219 Solar Panel Output Voltage/Current
0x48 ADS1915 A/D 12 bit A/D converter
Channel 0 Pi Battery Temperature
Channel 1 Camera Servo Feedback Potentiometer
0x77 BMP085 Baro/Temp readings

RaspBerry Pi GPIO Mappings (GPIO.setmode(GPIO.board))

RPI.GPIO Raspberry Pi Name BCM2835 Pin Number Function
7 GPIO7 GPIO4 P1_07 Rising Edge Interrupt to Arduino
8 TXD GPIO14 P1_08 TXD to Arduino
10 RXD GPIO15 P1_10 RXD to Arduino
12 GPIO1 GPIO18 P1_12 Software PWM for Camera Servo
15 GPIO3 GPIO22 P1_15 Pulse to Turn Fan Off
16 GPIO4 GPIO23 P1_16 DHT22 Temp/Hum Interface
18 GPIO5 GPIO24 P1_18 Pulse to Turn Fan On
22 GPIO6 GPIO25 P1_22 Activity LED


Arduino Battery Watchdog i2c Mappings

i2c address Device Function
0x40 INA219 Arduino Input Voltage/Current
0x41 INA219 Arduino Solar Cell Voltage/Current
0x44 INA219 Arduino Battery Voltage/Current
0x5C AMS 2315 Outside Temp/Humidity
0x68 RTC1307 Real Time Clock

Arduino Battery Watchdog GPIO Mappings

GPIO Function Comments
22 Interrupt Pi Level
27 Pi Latched Relay Reset Pulse
29 Pi Latched Relay Set Pulse
35 LED Pi Interrupt On Arduino Battery Voltage/Current
41 Select Wind Set Wind Turbine
43 Select Solar Reset Solar Panels

Arduino Battery Watchdog A/D Mappings

Channel Function
A3 Pi Battery Voltage
A5 Regulated Wind Voltage
A7 Unregulated Wind Voltage
A9 Pi Solar Voltage