As of today, the current state of the software in Project Curacao is as follows:
– Arduino Battery Watchdog: The watchdog is reading and reporting data back to the main software in the Pi via a serial link through level shifters.
- The read from Pi to Arduino fails occasionally (and is logged on the Pi) but not often enough to worry about at this point. The next three things to be implemented
- Pi power control – Complete and now in system testing. Implemented own alarm system (instead of using Time/TimeAlarms) using RTC because putting the Arduino to deep sleep also puts the internal software clock to sleep.
- Watchdog logging – Partially implemented in SRAM. Next is to put in logging in the Arduino for major events and implement sending the log to the Pi. Then we will put together the software in RasPiConnect for showing the last 20 Arduino log entries.
- Watchdog function complete in Project Curacao main program and Arduino. Tested pretty throughly. Purposely crashed the main program every hour and and the Arduino rebooted the Pi after 15 minutes as expected.
– Project Curacao Pi main program: The main program is generating all the graphs, camera pictures, environment sensing as required. It is also regulating the Fan automatically now. Not yet reading log files from the Arduino Watchdog. Next three things to be implemented:
- Watchdog implementation complete
- Logging Arduino Watchdog Data – in progress
- Improving sensor error detection
– RasPiConnect: We have a few more graphs and dials and buttons to implement on the RasPiConnect software, but it’s pretty close to final. We use this all the time now to monitor what is going on in the project remotely. We are thinking it might be good to put in a process monitor graph and reboot function. Both are easily done.
- Added support for the new RasPiConnect alarms, but they really don’t do anything yet.
- Will add Arduino Battery Watchdog log print shortly.