SunAir Solar Power Product Specification Released

The product specification for the SwitchDoc Labs Product SunAir has been released. It has example code, pin diagrams and specifications. The Kickstarter for the program was successful on December 31st and the SunAir product is now shipping.
You can download the specification here.
How to Buy SwitchDoc Labs Products
Within United States: SwitchDoc Labs Store – Powered by Amazon (Now with Amazon Prime!)
Outside of United States: Tindie.com
What is SunAir?
SunAir is a solar power controller / sun tracker / power supply system developed by SwitchDoc Labs

to power Arduino and Raspberry Pi based systems. Internally, it is not a simple system, but it is designed to be simple to use. The board has solar panel charge control system, a voltage booster, two A/D systems and GPIO interface circuitry systems for voltage level shifting and for servo motors as well as aiding in stepper motor control. SunAirPlus contains more robust A/D converters, voltage and current sensing circuitry and an optional stepper motor controller built into the SunAirPlus board. The picture to the right shows SunAir Powering a Raspberry Pi and a SwitchDoc Labs Real Time Clock, the DS3231.

RasPiConnect Control Panel
Special versions of RasPiConnect and ArduinoConnect will be available for $2.00 on the Apple Appstore in February of 2015. For those current owners of the full version of RasPiConnect and ArduinoConnect, XML files for the control panel will be available on github under SwitchDocLabs.
The control panel for SunAir is shown below. SwitchDoc Labs has completed a licensing agreement with MiloCreek(www.milocreek.com) to put a version of RasPiConnect and ArduinoConnect up on the Apple Appstore for SunAir customers. These will be sold by MiloCreek and will be called SunAirPiConnect and SunAirArduinoConnect.