Weather For Your Arduino – WeatherPiArduino
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WeatherPiArduino is a weather station controller board designed to interface to

Arduino and Raspberry Pi computers. It is an interface board developed by SwitchDoc Labs to allow the user to easily build a fully functioned Weather Station while allowing customization of functions.
The WeatherPiArduino Weather board is now available on the SwitchDoc Store (Prime Shipping!) , Amazon (Prime Shipping!) and Tindie.com.
The WeatherPiArduino Weather Board is an interface board for connecting a full featured, customizable board for Raspberry Pi and Arduino projects. It contains a built in I2C BMP180 Barometer/Temperature sensor, includes a DS3231 RTC/EEPROM and contains interfaces for the following:
- SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack (in stock soon!) Anemometer/Wind Vane/Rain Bucket
WeatherRack Weather Sensors (also supports SparkFun and ArgentData weather sensors)
- Embedded Adventures I2C Lightning Detector MOD-1016 board
- Adafruit HTU210-F Temperature/Humidity breakout board
- Adafruit 32KB FRAM I2C breakout board
- Adafruit ADS1015 4 Channel A/D I2C board
Software Results
Here are the results directly from the WeatherPiArduino running on an Arduino Mega 2560. Note that the WeatherRack Weather Sensors are not hooked up for this run. You can see the BMP180 Barometer / Temperature sensor, the HTU21D-F Humidity Sensor, the AT24C32 EEPROM and the DS3231 Real Time Clock results. There are actually three temperature sensors and all reading different temperatures! We are inclined to believe the BMP180 over the others. You can also see the EEPROM being written to and read back.
WeatherPiArduino 1.10 01/15/2014 Compiled at:21:12:49 Jan 21 2015 port number = 9600 ------------------------------------ Sensor: BMP085 Driver Ver: 1 Unique ID: 10085 Max Value: 300.00 hPa Min Value: 1100.00 hPa Resolution: 0.01 hPa ------------------------------------ time=5307 micro time=5308104 FAIL WIND DIRECTIONwindSpeedMin =0.00 windSpeedMax =0.00 windSpeedBuffer= 0.00||0 windGustMin =0.00 windGustMax =0.00 windGustBuffer= 0.00||0 windDirectionMin =0.00 windDirectionMax =0.00 windDirectionBuffer= 0.00||0 currentWindSpeed=0.00 currentWindGust=0.00 Wind Direction= FAIL WIND DIRECTION0.00 Cumulative Rain = 0.00 memory free=3165 --------------- DS3231 Clock --------------- 18:17:32, Date (D/M/Y) = 23/01/2015 Temperature= 19.50 --------------- AT24C32 EEPROM --------------- Write 5 addresses with random numbers and read them back Address: 0 Write:216 Address: 1 Write:49 Address: 2 Write:25 Address: 3 Write:164 Address: 4 Write:128 Address: 0 Read Value:216 Address: 1 Read Value:49 Address: 2 Read Value:25 Address: 3 Read Value:164 Address: 4 Read Value:128 --------------- BMP180 --------------- Pressure: 958.71 hPa Temperature: 19.30 C Altitude: 464.31 m --------------- HTU21D-F --------------- Temperature: 20.24 C Humidity: 40.36 % ---------------
The Arduino is also working with the RasPiConnect/ArduinoConnect Control Panel (see RasPiConnect tutorial here). We are adding more to the Control Panel as we speak.

Hooking WeatherPiArduino up to your Arduino
Hooking up the WeatherPiArduino is very straight forward. You need to connect up the power (3.3V), ground and the I2C bus. You then connect the Interrupts from the WeatherRack Instruments as well as the Wind Vane output to an A/D channel. Check out the WeatherPiArduino specification for more information. Below is the Fritzing diagram for the Arduino Mega 2560.

Is your Fritzing component for the WeatherPiAdruino available somewhere?
You bet.
It is at https://github.com/switchdoclabs/SDL_Fritzing_Parts
Is your fritzing component for the WeatherPiArduino available for download somewhere?
You bet.
It is at https://github.com/switchdoclabs/SDL_Fritzing_Parts