Weather For Your Raspberry Pi – WeatherPiArduino
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WeatherPiArduino is a weather station controller board designed to interface to

Arduino and Raspberry Pi computers. It is an interface board developed by SwitchDoc Labs to allow the user to easily build a fully functioned Weather Station while allowing customization of functions.
The WeatherPiArduino Weather board is now available on the SwitchDoc Store and Amazon.
The WeatherPiArduino Weather Board is an interface board for connecting a full featured, customizable board for Raspberry Pi and Arduino projects. It contains a built in I2C BMP180 Barometer/Temperature sensor includes a DS3231 RTC/EEPROM and contains interfaces for the following:
- SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack Anemometer/Wind Vane/Rain Bucket (also supports SparkFun and ArgentData weather sensors)
- Embedded Adventures I2C Lightning Detector MOD-1016 board
- Adafruit HTU210-F Temperature/Humidity breakout board
- Adafruit 32KB FRAM I2C breakout board
- Adafruit ADS1015 4 Channel A/D I2C board

Hooking WeatherPiArduino to your Raspberry Pi
Hooking up the WeatherPiArduino board to your Raspberry Pi is simple. Basically, you have to connect up the power, ground, I2C bus and the Interrupts from the WeatherRack instruments. As the Raspberry Pi does not have built in Analog to Digital Converters (ADC), you will need to put your own ADC or use the on-board interface to hook up an Adafruit ADS1015. Check out the WeatherPiArduino specification for more information.

More Arduino and Raspberry Pi software coming soon.