WeatherRack Weather Sensors Released
SwitchDoc Labs has released the WeatherRack Weather Sensors and they are now available on the SwitchDoc Labs Store, Amazon and Tindie.com.
The WeatherRack Weather Sensors are a set of sensors designed to measure your local weather conditions. It is designed to interface with either your own board, or combine it with the SwitchDoc Labs WeatherPiArduino board (available on SwitchDoc.com) to add a Barometer, Temperature Sensors, Real Time Clock, and optionally: Lightning Sensor / Humidity / ADC.

The WeatherRack includes:
- Cup Anemometer
- Wind Vane
- Tipping Rain Bucket
- Mounting Hardware
The SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack Sensors provide a suite of weather sensors for use by

Arduino and Raspberry Pi based small computers. It can also be used to connect with other computers and systems. It includes a Wind Vane, Anemometer and a tipping bucket Rain Gauge. Mounting hardware and a metal mast is also included. The included wires are terminated in RJ11 plugs. The WeatherRack is compatible with the SwitchDoc Labs WeatherPiArduino Weather Station Interface Board available on SwitchDoc.com.

The WeatherRack sensors contain no active electronics. The sensors use sealed magnetic reed switches and magnets to take readings. A voltage must be supplied to each sensor to take a reading.
Software for the WeatherRack

Software for the WeatherRack and the WeatherPiArduino is available here.
The SDL_Weather_80422 class library is designed to provide all the functions of the SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack in one C++ class.
The library is easy to use and hides the complexity of the interface to the sensors. The C++ class has two Interrupt Service Routines (ISR), one each for the anemometer and the rain bucket. The wind vane is connected to an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) input pin on the Arduino. Note that the C++ class is designed to be a singleton, in other words, you only can interface one sensor package without some additional work (mostly involving Interrupts). The article in Raspberry Pi Geek magazine discusses this in detail.
The software for the WeatherPiArduino also contains the software to interface with the RasPiConnect product for building a control panel.