Make Your Own Weather Station with WeatherRack and WeatherPiArduino
SwitchDoc Labs is now shipping the WeatherRack Weather Sensors and the Interface

board WeatherPiArduino. They are now available on the SwitchDoc Labs Store, Amazon and Tindie.com.
The WeatherRack Weather Sensors are a set of sensors designed to measure your local weather conditions. It is designed to interface with either your own board, or combine it with the SwitchDoc Labs WeatherPiArduino board (available on SwitchDoc.com) to add a Barometer, Temperature Sensors, Real Time Clock, and optionally: Lightning Sensor / Humidity / ADC.

WeatherRack Sensors
The WeatherRack includes:
- Cup Anemometer
- Wind Vane
- Tipping Rain Bucket
- Mounting Hardware

The SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack Sensors provide a suite of weather sensors for use by Arduino and Raspberry Pi based small computers. It can also be used to connect with other computers and systems. It includes a Wind Vane, Anemometer and a tipping bucket Rain Gauge. Mounting hardware and a metal mast is also included. The included wires are terminated in RJ11 plugs. The WeatherRack is compatible with the SwitchDoc Labs WeatherPiArduino Weather Station Interface Board available on SwitchDoc.com.
Note: The WeatherRack RJ11 connectors plug right into the RJ11 receptacles on the WeatherPiArduino Board.
WeatherPiArduino is a weather station controller board designed to interface to

Arduino and Raspberry Pi computers. It is an interface board developed by SwitchDoc Labs to allow the user to easily build a fully functioned Weather Station while allowing customization of functions.
The WeatherPiArduino Weather board is now available on the SwitchDoc Store (Prime Shipping!) and Tindie.com.
The WeatherPiArduino Weather Board is an interface board for connecting a full featured, customizable board for Raspberry Pi and Arduino projects. It contains a built in I2C BMP180 Barometer/Temperature sensor,

includes a DS3231 RTC/EEPROM and contains interfaces for the following:
- SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack (now shipping) Anemometer/Wind Vane/Rain Bucket(also supports SparkFun and ArgentData weather sensors)
- Embedded Adventures I2C Lightning Detector MOD-1016 board
- Adafruit HTU210-F Temperature/Humidity breakout board
- Adafruit 32KB FRAM I2C breakout board
- Adafruit ADS1015 4 Channel A/D I2C board
You can buy these products on the SwitchDoc Store (Prime Shipping!) and Tindie.com.
Build Your Own Control Panel for WeatherPiArduino
The software for the WeatherPiArduino also contains the software to interface with the RasPiConnect product for building a control panel.
I have a couple questions:
Is it possible to connect the output of the WeatherPiduino to weather, such as weewx or similar so that one can share the data with online weather sites like WeatherUnderground and others?
Second question, same as above but for amateur radio APRS format?
Thank you!
The answer is yes. It is just a matter of plugging in the Temperature, pressure, etc. in the right slots for their data formats. The APRS format can be handled the same way.
I’m going to build a weather station, like very much your approach and the work you have done. Just received my SunAirPlus.
My problem is that I don’t do apple. Is there an app for Android devices to sub for RaspiConnet?
Hi Terry,
There is no directly compatible app for the Android. The folks at MiloCreek tell me they are working on an Android port but they haven’t told me a schedule.
I actually bought an iPad to use this app and in the fullness of time, I ended up falling totally into the dark side and now I am Apple everything. Insidious for sure.
Thanks, John,
I can’t say I haven’t been warned.
I’m waiting on a Jolla
tablet (Sailfish OS, Completely Arduino compatible) to be delivered in May. My Fire HD works well if you’re into Amazon. Is it worth $200 for Ipad Mini to keep from reinventing the wheel? (Not that I’m programer enough to even come close to that.) I’m thinking that it is.
Thanks again.
Terry S