New Kickstarter Launched – Three Really Useful Breakout Boards
SwitchDoc Labs is pleased to announce that we have started our second kickstart campaign. Our first campaign, the SunAir Solar Power Controller, was successfully completed in 16 days and funded at 165%!
Our new kickstarter is “Really Useful Breakout Boards for Raspberry Pi/Arduino” and is here:
You can get these boards at a substantial discount (50%!) on the Kickstarter.
The Kickstarter contains:
Board 1: USB PowerControl – Turns USB devices off/on

- Turn your Raspberry Pi or Arduino OFF and ON under digital or battery control
- Has USB Plugs In/Out
- Turn USB Power off/on
- Control by single line or LiPo battery – Software example included.
- Works perfectly with SunAir and SunAirPlus Solar Power Controllers
Board 2: INA3221 3 Channel Current/Voltage Sensor Breakout Board

- Measure lots of Data from your project – power, voltage and current!!
- 3 Channel A/D converter for current and voltage
- Works with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
- Software Drivers for Arduino and Raspberry Pi Included!

Board 3: TCA9545 I2C 4 Bus multiplexer Breakout board.

- Converts one I2C bus (on Pi or Arduino) to 4 separate I2C buses
- Use as many of the same sensors as you want. Partition the I2C bus for loading too!
- Allows using same I2C addresses for many sensors galore!
- Works with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
- Software Drivers for Arduino and Raspberry Pi Included!
More information about each of these boards is on the kickstarter page.