WeatherPi Solar Power Weather Station – Boxing Up
We have completed the software (with a few glitches yet to be worked out) on the

WeatherPi Solar Powered Weather Station. The entire hardware system has been checked out from end to end including the WeatherRack Wind and Rain Sensors. We spent two hours trying to figure out what was wrong with the WeatherRack, but it turned out we were looking a km/Hour rather than miles/hour. That explained the difference. Fixed.
We removed the HTU21D-F Humidity Sensor due to a I2C address conflict with the SunAirPlus solar power controller. We already get the Inside temperature from the BMP180 and the flow of current from Solar Panels, Batteries and Pi on SunAirPlus were deemed to be more important. The address conflict on the I2C bus can be easily fixed later with the SwitchDoc Labs I2C Mux board now in manufacturing. We are seeing some glitches in reading the AM2315 Outside Temperature I2C device and we are looking at that problem in Software. The AM2315 says it works at 3.3V I2C, but maybe it should really be on 5.0V I2C (which we have access to on the SunAirPlus board). When using the AM2315 on Project Curacao, we had some similar problems that mostly went away when we moved the AM2315 from the Raspberry Pi (3.3V I2C) to the Arduino Battery Watchdog (5.0V I2C).
But first, time to put all the parts in the box and wire them up. Here is a picture of the prototype layout running at night.

Updated Parts List (April 1, 2015)
- WeatherRack Weather Sensors
- BUD NEMA Box from Amazon.com
- VoltaicSystems Solar Panel(s) – jury is still out regarding 1 or 2 panels
- Raspberry Pi A+
- Raspberry Pi Compatible WiFi USB Dongle
- SunAirPlus Solar Power Controller
- USB Control (SwitchDoc Labs – starts shipping April 6)
- SwitchDoc Labs Dual WatchDog Timer
- WeatherPiArduino Weather Board
- Embedded Adventures I2C Lightning Detector MOD-1016 board
- DS3231 RTC With EEPROM
- AM2315 Outdoor Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- BMP180 Barometer and Temperature Sensor
- Ada fruit HTU21D-F Temperature/Humidity breakout board (removed)
- Adafruit 32KB FRAM I2C breakout board (not included)
- Adafruit ADS1015 4 Channel A/D I2C board
- Adafruit PKCELL Lithium Ion Battery Pack – 3.7V 6600mAh
- Waterproof 8 Pin Plug from Amazon.com
- 2 Dual Row 4 Position Covered Screw Terminal Block Strip from Amazon.com
- RasPiConnect Control Panel
I enjoy following these updates. Please keep them coming.