Arduino Drivers for 8 GPIO I2C Extender Board (SX1502) Released
A new version of the Arduino C++ Class driver software for the new product from SwitchDoc Labs, the 8 GPIO I2C Extender board, has been released. This device just came out of a very successful (146% funded) Kickstarter campaign.
The 8 GPIO I2C Extender Board
This board is an inexpensive I2C GPIO Extender Board. It allows you to add 8 pins of GPIO, with interrupts allowed on all pins, to any Arduino or Raspberry Pi design. It works with 5V and 3.3V and in fact you can have 4 pins at 5.0V while having 4 pins at 3.3V at the same time. It is based upon the Semtech SX1502 and it has some really excellent features. If you need some gates (NAND, XOR, OR, etc., etc.), the SX1502 has a PLD (Programmable Logic Device) mode too! Here is the block diagram for the board:
- – I2C controlled
- – 8 GPIO pins
- – All pins can interrupt the computer
- – Two bank power supply allows two banks of 4 GPIO pins to have 5V or 3.3V
- – Can program GPIO pins to make up to 3 pin logic gates (PLD)
- – Software drivers for Arduino and Raspberry Pi Included!
The Arduino Drivers

Arduino Software Drivers are available here at https://github.com/switchdoclabs/SDL_Arduino_SX1502
// blink IO 0 to see LED sx1502.setDirectionGPIOChannel(SX1502_REG_IO0, SX1502_OUTPUT); byte value; while (1) { // loop about on IO 0 to see the LED blink Serial.println("----------------"); sx1502.writeGPIO(0x01); delay(1000); Serial.println("++++++++++++++"); value = sx1502.readGPIO(); Serial.print("GPIO Value ="); Serial.println(value, HEX); sx1502.writeGPIO(0x00); delay(1000); Serial.println("----------------"); }
And the results:
Test SDL_Pi_SX1502 Version 1.0 - SwitchDoc Labs Sample uses 0x21 I2C Address Blinks IO0 once every second Program Started at:2015-08-04 03:45:27 ----------------- ++++++++++++++ ('GPIO Value =', 1) ---------------- ---------------- ++++++++++++++ ('GPIO Value =', 1) ---------------- ----------------