OurWeather – ESP8266 WeatherPlus Board Specification Released
The heart of the OurWeather Weather kit is the SwitchDoc Labs WeatherPlus board. This board will only be sold with the OurWeather kit once the kickstarter is over. Right now,you can pledge on our kickstarter to receive a WeatherPlus Weather board.
The major features of the WeatherPlus Board are:
- – Provides an excellent controller for a Weather Station hooked up to Raspberry Pi or Arduino
- – Includes Arduino and Raspberry Pi Software
- – Supports SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack Wind Vane / Anemometer / Rain Bucket
- – Contains I2C BMP280 Barometer/Temperature
- – Includes DS3231 RTC/EEPROM
- – Directly powers Raspberry Pi / Arduino
- – Works with Raspberry Pi (3.3V) GPIO and Arduino (5.0V) GPIO
- – Works with 3.3V and 5.0V I2C bus
- – All onboard devices are 3.3V
- – Supports I2C Lightning Detector MOD-1016
- – Supports I2C AM2315 Temp/Hum Sensor
- – Supports I2C Optional 32KB FRAM
[callout size=”col-12″ title=”Checkout our OurWeather Kickstarter” button_title=”Go to Kickstarter” button_link=”https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sunair/ourweather-weather-kit-for-stem-kids” button_size=”normal” button_rounded=”true” button_color=”red”]
Here is the specification for the WeatherPlus board.
We will be publishing more information about the extender kit add-ons to this kit including:
[accordion_item title=”Weatherproofing kit”]Adds an outdoor box and connector kits [/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=”Air Quality Sensing”]Adds an Air Quality Sensor and an Analog to Digital Converter to OurWeather [/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=”Solar Power OurWeather”]Allows you to make OurWeather Solar Powered with an educational system that gathers data about the sun and the weather[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=”SCRATCH and Apple Swift Playground software”]These downloadable drivers will allow OurWeather to be connected up to these programming languages designed for kids to lear programming[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=”Connect OurWeather to the Internet. Twitter, CWOP and the WeatherUnderground “]Easy to use software to connect your station to the world. Tweet your weather. See great displays and graphs on CWOP. Join the WeatherUnderground for your School.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=”Lesson plans for teachers and home schoolers.”]Great objective based lesson plans for teachers and home schooling parents.[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title=”Plant Water Sensing”]Monitor your garden or in school flower pot for soil moisture levels. [/accordion_item]