New Video! Last four days for The Missing Boards for the Raspberry Pi Kickstarter
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The Missing Boards for the Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a fabulous board. You can do almost anything with one of these inexpensive computers. However, after using the Raspberry Pi for a number of years, we have determined what boards are really missing in the Raspberry Pi ecosystem. It is made even better with a Pi2Grover IOT prototyping board. The three missing boards for the Raspberry Pi are:
1) A inexpensive way of rapid prototyping with the Pi (Pi2Grover)
2) An inexpensive flexible Analog to Digital Converter (Grove 4 Channel 16 bit ADC)
3) A way of adding additional GPIOs with out adding complexity (Grove Digital Extender)
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Video of the Grove Extender Board working with the Pi2Grover board on a Raspberry Pi 3
All Three Specifications Released
- – Pi to Grove Plugin Board – Pi2Grover
- – Grove 4 Channel 16 Bit Analog to Digital Converter
- – Digital Grove Extender
What are Grove Connectors?
Grove connectors are a standard way of connecting modules together without soldering. They are keyed so you can’t plug them in backwards. See our Grove Tutorial here.
Example of the Grove 4 Channel 16 Bit ADC in Use
WeatherPiArduino is a weather station controller board designed to interface to Arduino and Raspberry Pi computers. It is an interface board developed by SwitchDoc Labs to allow the user to easily build a fully functioned Weather Station while allowing customization of functions.
WeatherPiArduino is derived from Project Curacao. Generation 1 of this board was deployed and tested in Curacao before Generation 2 was released to production. The full WeatherPiArduino article was published in Raspberry Pi Geek magazine in September, 2014 and a follow up article was published in April, 2015 (including the new lightning detector). The WeatherPiArduino comes with a SwitchDoc Labs DS3231/EEPROM board.
Combine the WeatherPiArduino with a SunAir or SunAirPlus board to create a solar powered weather station.
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