Tutorial: Part 5 -Building a Solar
Powered Raspberry Pi Weather Station – GroveWeatherPi
The Parts List for GroveWeatherPi
The Raspberry Pi is a fabulous device to on which to build your projects. The GroveWeatherPi project is designed to show the capabilities of this computer while remaining accessible to a diverse Maker community.
GroveWeatherPi is a Solar Powered Raspberry Pi WiFi connected weather station designed for Makers by SwitchDoc Labs ( www.switchdoc.com). This is a great system to build and tinker with. All of it is modifiable and all source code is included.
This tutorial for building your own Solar Powered Weather Station based on the Raspberry Pi consists of 14 parts.
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The Parts List for GroveWeatherPi
No project is complete without a parts list. These are suggestions! There are lots of options for a number of these boards. If you substitute, make sure you check for compatibility!
Parts List for GroveWeatherPi – Raspberry Pi A+ or PiZero with Pi2Grover and Lightning Detector | ||||
Part Number | Part Description | Source | Included in GPW Product Bundle | Included In GPW Solar Add-on Product Bundle |
Raspberry Pi | Raspberry PI A+ or PiZero | Multiple | ||
Pi2Grover | Raspberry Pi to Grove Interface | www.switchdoc.com | X | |
Grove Weather Board | Weather Instrument and Grove Interface (includes DS3231 RTC) | www.switchdoc.comamazon.com | X | |
WeatherRack | Weather Instruments – Wind Speed, Rain, Wind Vane | store.switchdoc.com www.argentdata.com | X | |
Grove I2C 4Ch/16Bit ADC | 4 channel 16 bit I2C Analog to Digital Converter | store.switchdoc.com amazon.com | X | |
Grove OLED 64×128 I2C Display | OLED display for Weather Station | store.switchdoc.com www.seeedstudio.com amazon.com | X | |
HUT21D-F Inside Temperature / Humidity Sensor | Optional Inside Temperature and Humidity Sensor (Requires Soldering – Optional) | www.adafruit.com | X | |
Grove to Grove Connector Cables (6) | For connecting from Grove to Grove Connectors | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
Long Grove to Grove Connector Cables (2) | 50cm Cables for Grove to Grove Connectors For I2C Detector | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
JST-PH Extender for Solar Panel JST-PH 2 Plug | Extender Plug for Solar Panels | https://www.adafruit.com/products/1131 | X | |
Solar Panels | 330mA/6V – Two | store.switchdoc.com | X (3 included!) | |
Larger Solar Panels | 550mA and up | voltaicsystems.com | ||
BUD NEMA Box | 10 – 23/32â, 6-25/32â, 4-21/64â Weather Proof Box | https://amzn.to/2bdNufd | ||
Raspberry Pi A+/WiFi USB Dongle | Raspberry Pi Compatible WiFi Dongle | Multiple Sources | ||
Grove I2C 4 Channel Mux | 4 Channel I2C Multiplexer | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
USB PowerControl | USB Power Switch | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
Grove SunAirPlus | Solar Power Controller/Charger and Data Collector | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
USB cable – A/MicroB | Plug between SunAirPlus and Raspberry PI | https://www.adafruit.com/products/592 | X | |
Grove Dual External WatchDog Timer | External Hardware WatchDog Timer | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
Grove Lightning Detector – MOD-1016G | I2C Lightning Detector | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
DS3231 RTC | DS3231 Real Time Clock (included with the Grove Weather Board above) | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
Grove AM2315 Outdoor Temperature/Humidity Sensor | Encased I2C Accurate Temperature/Humidity Sensor | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
BMP280 Barometric Pressure / Temperature Sensor | Included with the Grove Weather Board above | X | ||
PKCELL Lithium Ion (LiPo) Battery Pack – 3.7V 6600mAh | Battery for SunAirPlus | www.adafruit.com | ||
I2C 4 Port Passive Hub | 4 port hub – no active electronics | store.switchdoc.com | X | |
8 Female to Female Jumper Plugs | 6 Inch long jumper wires | Multiple Sources | ||
1 Female to Female Long Jumper Plug | 12 inch long jumper wire | Multiple Sources | ||
Hookup WIre | Multiple Sources | |||
Silicon Caulking for Sealing Holes | Multiple Sources | |||
Velcro for attaching Boards to NEMA Box | Multiple Sources | |||
Screws and Bolts for attaching the 3D Printed Parts | Multiple Sources |
GroveWeatherPi Discounted Part Bundles Available from SwitchDoc Labs
For convenience, we have bundled the parts that we produce or have good sources for and have these bundles available for sale on store.switchdoc.com
[callout size=”col-12″ title=”GroveWeatherPi Product Bundle 0300-GWPMIX-DSBT” button_title=”Go to Store” button_link=”https://store.switchdoc.com/groveweatherpi-product-bundle/” button_size=”normal” button_rounded=”true” button_color=”red”]
[callout size=”col-12″ title=”GroveWeatherPi Solar Add-on Product Bundle 0302-SOLARGWPMIX-DSBT” button_title=”Go to Store” button_link=”https://store.switchdoc.com/groveweatherpi-solar-add-on-product-bundle/” button_size=”normal” button_rounded=”true” button_color=”red”]
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