New Instructable – DIY Raspberry Pi Solar Weather Station
with Grove Connectors – No Soldering
SwitchDoc Labs is pleased to announce that we have published another step by step Instructable for building your own DIY Raspberry Pi Solar Weather Station – the GroveWeatherPi.
The Raspberry Pi is a fabulous device to on which to build your projects. The GroveWeatherPi project is designed to show the capabilities of this computer while remaining accessible to a diverse Maker community.
The key to keeping this project accessible to many people is to minimizing the need for complex wiring and soldering. The first part of the project is building the GroveWeatherPi station itself. This can be done with no soldering. The second part of the tutorial is outfitting your GroveWeatherPi with Solar panels. This can be done with a very minimal amount of soldering to produce a fully solar powered Raspberry Pi based weather station.
It even has a LIGHTNING DETECTOR! That’s what is in the pylon sticking out of the top.

[callout size=”col-12″ title=”The GroveWeatherPi Instructable” button_title=”Go to Instructable” button_link=”https://www.instructables.com/id/GroveWeatherPi-Raspberry-Pi-Based-Weather-Station-/” button_size=”normal” button_rounded=”true” button_color=”red”]
What is GroveWeatherPi?
GroveWeatherPi is a Solar Powered Raspberry Pi WiFi connected weather station designed for Makers by SwitchDoc Labs ( www.switchdoc.com). This is a great system to build and tinker with. All of it is modifiable and all source code is included.
The most important functions are:
- – Detects Lightning!
- – Senses 20 different environmental values
- – Optionally Solar Powered
- – Has a full database containing history of the environment (MySQL)
- – Monitors and reports lots of data on the solar powered system – great for education!
- – Self contained and monitored for brownouts and power issues
- – Can be modified remotely
- – Download your data to crunch it on your PC or Mac
- – Can be modified to do CWOP, SMS (Text) messaging, Twitters, webpages and more
- – Has an iPad Based Control Panel
- – Easy to connect to Twitter, WeatherUnderground, etc