WeatherUnderground Support added to GroveWeatherPi – Solar Raspberry Pi Weather Station
We have just released a new version of the GroveWeatherPi software that allows you to connect up your GroveWeatherPi Raspberry Pi Weather Station to the WeatherUnderground.
Version 2.2 – SDL_Pi_GroveWeatherPi at github.com
- – Support for WXLink Wireless WeatherRack Hardware
- – Improved configuration options for MySQL and WLAN Detection
- – WeatherUnderground reporting now supported
- – Adding Your GroveWeatherPi Station to the WeatherUnderground
Instructions to Connect
- Go to weatherunderground.com and register your PWS (Personal Weather Station) on the site. You will need to sign up to be a user.
2. When you have registered your station, put your station name and key in the config.py file and enable the WeatherUnderground_Present by setting it to True.
# WeatherUnderground Station WeatherUnderground_Present = False WeatherUnderground_StationID = "KWXXXXX" WeatherUnderground_StationKey = "YYYYYYY"
Then you can start the software normally. The software is set to report to the WeatherUnderground every 5 minutes, so wait a bit before checking.
Our development system is up and down as well as sensors being disconnected and connected, but if you want to see it, here is the link:
We will be adding another full station that will be running all the time in the near future. The box is built, but has to be shipped to England for photographing for a new book that features the GroveWeatherPi Solar Powered version.
What is GroveWeatherPi?

GroveWeatherPi is a Solar Powered Raspberry Pi WiFi connected weather station designed for Makers by SwitchDoc Labs ( www.switchdoc.com). This is a great system to build and tinker with. All of it is modifiable and all source code is included.
The most important functions are:
- – Detects Lightning!
- – Senses 20 different environmental values
- – Optionally Solar Powered
- – Has a full database containing history of the environment (MySQL)
- – Monitors and reports lots of data on the solar powered system – great for education!
- – Self contained and monitored for brownouts and power issues
- – Can be modified remotely
- – Download your data to crunch it on your PC or Mac
- – Can be modified to do CWOP, SMS (Text) messaging, Twitters, webpages and more
- – Has an iPad Based Control Panel
- – Easy to connect to Twitter, WeatherUnderground, etc
I find that my weather station will suddenly stop reporting. Sometimes it fixes itself, and other times I have to reboot. Any suggestions?
You have an issue with your wireless WiFi dongle. Try replacing it. It may be a WiFi strength issue too.
Thank you for the support. Switched out the wifi dongle and also connecting it to the net via Ethernet and same results. I reinslaled the the OS and the most up to date version of your software tonight. Let’s hope this fixes the bug. Also was wondering if you have plans to support https://www.initialstate.com. Love the project.
Rebuilt the system, replaced the Wi-Fi adapter, and even connected it to ethernet and still experiencing intermittent reporting.
Also try to different raspberry pi
Find up for a weather underground API so that I could get some tech support. According to WU the issue is the way in which your software writes to the WU. The issue seems to be related to the ‘pat the dog’ section of your code.
Any chance there is a update coming for WU stability? I have checked all of the issues you’ve told me about and none of them of the fix the problem. I have now tried three separate Wi-Fi adapter of which are approved the recommended by raspberrypi.org. A problem also purse prersists when the pi is connected to the internet via either net. The weather pie system has not been able to maintain a connection to weather underground for more than five hours at a time. Connectivity to weather underground remains a problem.
We will further look into this.
Let me understand what is going on. Does GroveWeatherPi detect that the network connection is failing and reboots the computer after a while?
We have a Raspberry Pi running GroveWeatherPi and it writes to the WeatherUnderground with no problem. Rock solid for days.
Is it just the WeatherUnderground connection that is failing or is something else?
Using standard URL software in the GroveWeatherPi. When you say Pat the Dog section are you referring to reseting the WatchDog Timer?
The key for this whole issue is that it isn’t the WiFi adaptor (since the Wired Ethernet does the same thing).
So, it is either our software or your internet connection. I’m not blaming your internet connection yet.
We write correctly all the time on our machines. So, what are the differences?
You said WU “the issue is the way in which your software writes to the WU”. Did they give you any detail?
Can you tell me more about what is happening with the WU connection? Does it work for hours and then start failing? How is it failing?
We are wondering if it is a connection problem on your internet connection.
Do this:
ping weatherstation.wunderground.com
and let it run. See if it is having a lot of failures. Noisy line or whatever.
Regarding initialState, we are publishing an article on how to connect it to an IOT device (SunIOT) tomorrow.