Project Curacao2 – Part 12: Results! First Month Down in Paradise

Project Curacao2 has been down and operating solo down in the Caribbean now for over 1 month. It has been a very busy month here at SwitchDoc Labs (new kickstarter, bug week and new product development) so now we are looking at what has been happening. We have been getting nice pictures on an hourly basis.
Project Curacao2 is a redesign and rebuild of the Project Curacao environmental monitoring system that was running down on the island nation of Curacao in 2014 and 2015. We took it apart when we got down to the island and debugged the failure. It turns out what finally killed Project Curacao was the main LiPo battery on the Raspberry Pi had died. The Arduino watchdog time was happily running away, but couldn’t wake up the Raspberry Pi. We replaced the battery and the Raspberry Pi booted right up. We brought the SD Card and a variety of parts back to the Labs for analysis.
The project Project Curacao2 consists of two LoRa transmitters based on a Mini Pro LP and a Raspberry Pi Zero powered base unit. Lots and lots of sensors! All solar powered.
- Part 1 - Introduction to Project Curacao2 and the LoRa WXLink Feeder Stations
- Part 2 - First LoRa WXLink Feeder Stations Report
- Part 3 - Testing the LoRa Range
- Part 4 – Initial LoRa Range Results
- Part 5 – Final LoRa Range Results
- Part 6 - Raspberry Pi Zero Base Unit Build
- Part 7 - Flame On! Initial Base Unit Tests
- Part 8 - Solar Power Management System
- Part 9 - Ready for Deployment and Status
- Part 10 - PC2 in the Caribbean! Repairs and Testing
- Part 11 - It Lives! Deployment and Initial Results
- Part 12 - One Month of Results from Paradise
Below is a comparison shot of the original Project Curacao box (on the left) with the new Project Curacao2 box on the right. You can see from this picture the advances we have made in three years. The new Project Curacao2 box is wired together almost entirely using Grove Connectors. We have also designed and integrated new solar power controllers, wiring schemes and, in a big design decision, removed the Arduino Battery WatchDog. We found the reliability of our new solar power control scheme and power reduction techniques made the single computer Project Curacao2 possible.
First Month Results
We have two issues. Both results of not quite thinking through some of the environmental aspects of the
installation. Both of the issues are angle of the sun to the solar panel issues, but for different reasons.
Issue One
To the left are pictures (post deployment about two weeks – Thank you Jeff Maass) of the two LoRa transmitters. Note the solar panels are down to flat against the box. They should be angled up towards the sun, which they were when we left. What happened? The tropical sun. We used bolts and tightened them at the proper angle. Then we used super glue on the plastic and covered the whole joint with silicon caulking. However, clearly, the thermal cycles on the plastic and the bolts (we did not use thread locker) has gradually let gravity takes it’s toll and they are now flat against the box. This has resulted in less solar power to the transmitters although they are running most of the time with just occasional outages (we will generate a graph of the two transmitters power and transmissions frequency in due time). They are facing south and as the year progresses, they will get more sun as the sun moves south. This can be easily fixed by moving the panels to the correct angle and then putting a physical screw or wedge to make it physically permanent. We don’t plan to be back for a maintenance trip until June 2018, but we may have to go south sooner. Tough duty.
Issue Two
The main Raspberry Pi base unit is mounted on the side of the Pj2T building it is basically facing south (which is correct). We added solar panels on the sides to catch the morning and evening sun (our SunControl controller and the multi panel solar connector deals with multiple solar panels delivering multiple amounts of power very well). However, we neglected to take into account just how far north the sun is in June. So we aren’t quite generating enough power to keep the Raspberry Pi running 24/7. As the sun moves south, this will gradually improve. We noted this problem while we are down there (easily fixed by adding or moving one of the solar panels to the top of the unit) but we just didn’t have time to deal with the issue as we were packing up the house to leave. This has resulted in the unit turning on about 6pm (local time) or on some days at about 6:30am (local time) when the sun hits the right side panel. Again, we will fix this on our next trip. The following graph shows the boot up time (local Curacao time on the vertical axis). We are starting to see a trend of higher solar power (earlier boot up times) as the sun slowly moves. Since sometimes we have clouds, even in Paradise, it is not a smooth transition, but it is definitely improving. By the way, it was really cool being able to log into the machine down in Curacao and add the code to generate this graph remotely.
We have two takeaways. One, use physical supports and not just tightened bolts and glue for plastic structures. Second, allot enough time to check out the installation angles and do some adjustment if needed.
Coming Next?
We will take a look at the graphs showing solar power and then start examining the incoming data from the remote units (the remote transmitters send information about their solar power systems with each sample).