Tutorial: Setting up the Arduino IDE for the
ESP32 / BC24
Instructions for the Arduino IDE:
(Note: If you have installed the ESP32 SDK before in the Arduino IDE, go into your Arduino Directory -> hardware / and delete espressif )
Check out the Demo software for the BC24 here.
1) Open up the Arduino IDE
2) Open Up Preferences, hit the box to the right of “Additional Board Manager URLs”
3) Cut and paste the following into the box
4) Hit OK on the box and OK on the preferences box.
5) Close Arduino and Restart the Arduino IDE
6) Go to: Tools->Boards->Board Manager
7) search on ESP32
8) Click on Install
9) Close and Restart the Arduino IDE again
10) Go to tools->Boards and select “ESP32 Adafruit Feather” (for the BC24 ESP32 or your ESP32 board)
Now start compiling programs for your ESP32!
What is the BC24?
The BC24 is a flexible way to display all sorts of data while being able to communicate with other devices and the Internet. It is a board that you can plug in your sensors and create new things!
The BC24 consists of three major parts:
1) Dual CPU ESP32 Central Processor with WiFi and Bluetooth
2) The 24 RGBW Programmable LED Pixel Circle
3) No Solder Grove Connectors for expansion!
The RGBW (Red Green Blue White) Pixels are completely programmable (millions of colors) and includes a bright white LED to give you pure warm white. These programmable pixels are 100% compatible with NeoPixels.
The Grove connectors allow you to easily and safely connect hundreds of sensors (and more Pixel strips if you want!) with no soldering. And you CAN’T plug them in backwards. Fewer boards in the Box of Death.
These directions do not work. esp32 does not show up in the Board Manager and the IDE shows and error downloading the file as in
When I follow the directions in the terminal it cannot create the esp32 work folder.
I see you are being helped on forum.switchdoc.com