Smart Garden System Dash App Screens on your Raspberry Pi
The Smart Garden System comes with a Dash App running on your Raspberry Pi. The dash app is full of all sorts of LIVE information and graphs using data coming from the Smart Garden System.
See the Smart Garden System Product and Documentation Page here.
The Smart Garden System is a Raspberry Pi based system for controlling your garden with lights, pumps, valves and sensors. It consists of two major parts, your Raspberry Pi and ESP32 based wireless remote sensor and valve control units.
All source code is provided and is open source for the Smart Garden System, Wireless Extenders and the Dash App.
SGS also supports valves and pumps (both USB 5V and 24 VDC to 250VAC and up to 10A). We will be adding more sensors and hydroponics support.
What is Dash?
Dash is a Python framework for building web applications. It built on top of Flask, Plotly.js, React and React Js.
It enables you to build dashboards using pure Python. Dash is open source, and its apps run on the web browser.
The Smart Garden System uses Dash to display live information about what is going on in the Smart Garden
System and in your Garden.
Dash App Screens
SGS Status Tab

The SGS Status tab has a set of text boxes giving information about the current state of the Raspberry Pi and the
Smart Garden System running. It is broken down into five different regions:
- Text Blocks Containing information about the SGS System and the type of Raspberry Pi running including time of the last boot of the Raspberry Pi.
- Raspberry Pi Dashboard Gauges showing the dynamic state of the Raspberry Pi.
- The Alarm Reporting Region – For future enhancement.
- Current Valve State for all of the GSG Wireless Extenders
- Selected Moisture Sensors (from the “Save Graph” checkbox on the SGSConfigure program).
Valve Graphs Tab

This set of graphs shows when the selected valves (are turning on and off again, selected on the SGSConfigure
Valve Screen).
Weather Tab
The Weather Tab shows your current local weather conditions in your garden. This information comes from
the optional SGS weather station add-on which includes 8 different sensors. YThe data from the optional Air Quality Sensor (at the bottom of
the Weather Tab) is shown below:

Hydroponics Tab

This tab will show the status of the Hydroponics add-on for the Smart Garden System.
Herb Garden Tab

This tab will show all the status (including a camera) of your herb garden.
Next Events Tab

The next events tab shows a summary of all the valves in your Smart Garden System and is specifically
focusing showing the next timed events for all of your valves. This is a great way of checking that your timed
events are going to happen at the time you intended.
P/V Programming Tab

The PV Programming tab is designed to show at a glance all the programming of your valves. Again, a great
way to check your programming of your Smart Garden System.
Logs Tab

The Logs tab shows the last lines in the Log files maintained by the Smart Garden System. The main system
log shows events, alarms, debugging events and status of your SGS wireless extenders. The Valve Log shows
valve events, their source and any criterial. The Sensor log shows you the latest sensor readings from your
wireless extenders.
Documentation Tab

The documentation tab takes you to the Smart Garden System product page on the shop.switchdoc.com website.
This is where you can find all the current documentation for the Smart Garden System in the “Downloads”
section of this page.