Quad Power Management Board Pure Python Drivers Released for Raspberry Pi
The Pure Python Raspberry Pi driver software for the new product from SwitchDoc Labs, the Quad Power Management Board, has been released. This device just came out of a successful (146% funded) Kickstarter campaign.
The Quad Power Management Board
Here is the block diagram for the board:
- I2C controlled
- 4 Independent Solid State Relays each with LEDs
- Each is able to switch 20V and 2.3A
- 4 Additional GPIOs
- Software drivers for Arduino and Raspberry Pi Included!
Raspberry Pi Pure Python Drivers
Raspberry Pi Pure Python Software Drivers are available here at https://github.com/switchdoclabs/SDL_Pi_QPM
Hooking up the Quad Power Management Board to the Raspberry Pi
Signal Name |
Raspberry Pi A/B/A+/B+/Pi 2 |
Quad Power Management Board |
Power |
3.3V (GPIO/1) |
VDDM (JP2/1) |
GND (GPIO/6) |
GND (JP2/2) |
I2C1_SCL (GPIO/5) |
SCL (JP2/3) |
I2C1_SDA (GPIO/3) |
SDA (JP2/4) |
Remember to connect the pins on JP1 to VDDM!
Running the Test Software
Here is an example of the using the Python drivers for the QPM board on the Raspberry Pi.
The first test on the Raspberry Pi should always be “i2cdetect -y 1” which should show you the QPM Board at the default address of 0x21.
Running the test gives these results from the Quad Power Management I2C board on the Raspberry Pi:
Test SDL_Pi_QPM Version 1.0 - SwitchDoc Labs Sample uses 0x21 I2C Address Cycles through all the four loadswitches Program Started at:2015-08-04 23:51:44 ----------------- ('------>>>> Initial GPIO Value =', 0) ---------------- Turn on LSW0 Turn on LSW1 Turn on LSW2 Turn on LSW3 ---------------- Turn on LSW0 Turn on LSW1 Turn on LSW2 Turn on LSW3 ---------------- Turn on LSW0 Turn on LSW1 Turn on LSW2 Turn on LSW3 ---------------- ...
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