New Product! – Smart Garden System Version 2 – Raspberry Pi

New Product! – Smart Garden System Version 2 – Raspberry Pi


See the Product Page here.


SGS2 – A Raspberry Pi based smart watering system kit for Makers, advanced kids and adults. Learn while you grow! No soldering needed!

The Wireless Smart Garden System is finally here!    Did you ever want to build your own remote monitoring and management system for your indoor or outdoor garden?   Do you want to share your garden and the weather world wide?   This project is for you.   You can learn the Raspberry Pi and how to connect to the real world through this easy to build no-soldering kit.   You can measure soil moisture and then use that as feedback to provide your plant or garden just the right about of water. 
Highly expandable!   You can have your Raspberry Pi Base Unit inside your house and have multiple wireless control units in your outdoor garden, greenhouse or in the upstairs bedroom.   Up to 250 wireless control units can be connected up to one Raspberry Pi base unit.   This allows you to control your truly MASSIVE garden.  Or your small one.  Either way!

Already have a Smart Garden System?   Upgrade Kit available here.

SGS also supports valves and pumps (both USB 5V and 24 VDC to 250VAC and up to 10A).   We will be adding more sensors and hydroponics support.  We are releasing the Weather Support in the initial kickstarter.

It is designed to be easily and simply put together and tested with No Soldering Required!

And you get all the source code for the Smart Garden System software so you can do what you want.   Modify the code to your own application!  Add sensors!  Add functions!  Add more plants!

Quick Intro to the Raspberry Pi Smart Garden System

A Bit more in Depth on the Smart Garden System

What Will You Learn with Raspberry Pi Smart Garden System?

The educational goals for Smart Garden are:

  • Learn about the Raspberry Pi and installing software on the Pi
  • Connecting up sensors to the Raspberry Pi
  • Learning about Feedback loops and regulating water to plants
  • Understand your indoor environment and what affects it
  • Learn about the new technology called the Internet of Things


What is a Grove Connector?

The way we have been wiring I2C connections before just didn’t work for building fast and quick IOT projects.  Then we found Grove.

There are hundreds of Grove Devices from multiple manufacturers around the world.     Just for a quick look finds over 100 boards.

You can’t plug it in backwards.   If you put the connector in the wrong plug it just doesn’t work.  No smoke.  No fire. This makes us happy as we look over into our Box Of Death, filled with boards we have ruined.

We quickly found the Grove connectors and their respective cables very useful. With the large selection of Grove I2C devices available, we decided to include a Grove connector on all our future boards and products.

For more information, check out our full Grove Tutorial here.