
Wind Power and WeatherPiArduino in the Caribbean

Wind Power and WeatherPiArduino in the Caribbean Wind Power arrives again!  Down here in the Caribbean for sun, fun and Project Curacao upgrades.  Yesterday, we finished installing the WeatherPiArduino board into the Project Curacao Box and added the WeatherRack sensors to […]

Dual WatchDog
Arduino Software

Dead Man Switch

Dead Man Switch The Battery Watch Arduino software has expanded to about 3000 lines of code.  Guess what?  There are certainly bugs in this software.  One of the unresolved issues about the architecture of Project Curacao is that the software […]

BeaconAir iBeacon

BeaconAir On Raspberry Pi / iBeacons

BeaconAir On Raspberry Pi / iBeacons BeaconAir is a Raspberry Pi based project that reads the advertising packets coming from iBeacons and roughly calculates the physical position of BeaconAir by Trilateration.  This is an application that uses the SwitchDoc Labs new iBeacon Python […]


iBeacons (Good and Bad) Review and BeaconAir

iBeacons Review and BeaconAir I just finished the development of a new SwitchDocLabs project, BeaconAir.  BeaconAir is a portable Pi device to determine ones position in the house by trilateralation from three iBeacons.  The RasPiConnect BeaconAir control panel is below: […]