
Wind Power and the Raspberry Pi / Arduino

Wind Power and the Raspberry Pi /Arduino As a last minute addition  to Project Curacao (a massive solar and wind powered Raspberry Pi / Arduino project), I added a small 12V 50W (supposedly 50W – see characterization) wind turbine to […]

Solar Power
Project Curacao

Solar Power and the Raspberry Pi

Solar Power and the Raspberry Pi I have been asked several times in the last few days to put up some more information about the Project Curacao Solar Panel design.  More results here (1), here (2) and here (3). When I […]


MouseAir Version 2 Photos

MouseAir Version 2.0 Here are a few pictures of MouseAir Version 2, a project built with a Raspberry Pi.  I’m still working on the mechanical parts, but the box is designed and printed.  I’m getting quite good at 3D printing […]

Raspberry Pi

BeaconAir Portable Pi

BeaconAir iBeacon Portable Pi Here is a picture of the completed BeaconAir Portable Pi project.  It’s not much to look at, but it works.  BeaconAir is a Raspberry Pi based project that reads the advertising packets coming from iBeacons and […]

Project Curacao

Project Curacao First Months Published

For the latest in Project Curacao, a massive Raspberry Pi / Arduino project, check out Part 7. What is Project Curacao? Project Curacao is a sensor filled project designed to hang on a radio tower on the island nation of […]

BeaconAir iBeacon

BeaconAir Lives! The Control Panel

BeaconAir Control Panel BeaconAir Lives! It is up and running with ble (Bluetooth Low Energy – iBeacons) scanning and position estimating.  There are  a few bugs left.  This project is using a Raspberry Pi to read iBeacons and figure out […]

MouseAir Logo

MouseAir Quote of the Day

From a fan of MouseAir in “Happy Weather” Southern California: “Two spinning wheels to provide energy for scootin` the rodent down the track to achieve an elevated trajectory for an undetermined and brief relief from the surly bonds of earth….” […]


Getting CGColor from UIColor in iOS

CGColor Memory Issues I have an IOS app that I have been writing that requires color information to be stored as printable text.  To do this I use CGColorGetComponents, which returns a CGFloat array of color components.  I had been […]


MouseAir Redesign in Progress

MouseAir Redesign We are working away on designing and building Version 2 of MouseAir.  Following is the latest block diagram. Goals The goals for the redesign are: Reduced Cost – eliminate unnecessary parts and reduce cost of current parts Single […]