3D Printing

MouseAir V2 takes flight! Almost…..

MouseAir Redesign Update We are working away on designing and building Version 2 of MouseAir.  There were a lot of projects ahead of this but it’s back on top.  Following is the latest block diagram. We replaced the relays with […]

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Project Curacao

RasPiConnect and Project Curacao

RasPiConnect: Control and Reporting from Project Curacao  RasPiConnect is an iPhone/iPad app that allows you to easily connect to Raspberry Pi’s and to Arduinos using XML, JSON, or a raw mode made by a company called (  It allows you […]

PCF8563 Raspberry Pi
Project Curacao

Raspberry Pi Python Library for the PCF8563

Raspberry Pi Python Library for PCF8563  Real Time Clock Here is the third of a series of Python libraries for the Raspberry Pi for various Real Time Clocks (RTC).  This is the pure Python driver for the PCF8563 Real Time Clock. The original […]

MouseAir Raspberry Pi
3D Printing

MouseAir Version 2 PCB Submitted

MouseAir Version 2 PCB Submitted I’ve now converted from hand wiring to doing Printed Circuit Boards for building projects.  The prices for small (5cm x 5cm) 2 layer boards has fallen so far (around $20US – includes shipping – for 10 boards) […]