I2C Lightning Detector – Grove Based Board
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The Grove I2C Lightning Detector – MOD-1016G is a programmable Lightning Sensor IC that detects the presence and approach of potentially hazardous lightning activity in the vicinity and provides an estimation on the distance to the head of the storm. The embedded lightning algorithm checks the incoming signal pattern to reject the potential man-made disturbers and various noise sources.
- – I2C Lightning Detector MOD-1016G Specification
- – Examples of MOD-1016G Raspberry Pi Software
- – Examples of MOD-1016G Arduino Software
- – Raspberry Pi Drivers
- – Arduino Drivers
- – Full AS3935 Specification
Features and Benefits:
- – 2.4V – 5.5V operation
- – I2C Interface – 0x03 Address
- – Grove Connectors – No Soldering Required
- – Lightning sensor warns of lightning storm activity within a radius of 40km
- – Distance estimation to the head of the storm down to 1km in 14 steps
- – Detects both cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud (cloud-to-cloud) flashes
- – Embedded man-made disturber rejection algorithm
- – Programmable detection levels enable threshold setting for optimal controls
- – SPI and I2C interface is used for control and register reading
- – Antenna Tuning to compensate variations of the external components
- – Power-down, listening, and active mode
- – Full Test Code Supplied
- – Quantity Discounts Available
- – Immediate Availability
Lightning Detector 3D Printed Tower

The lighting detector pylon is to move the very sensitive MOD-1016G Lightning Detector away from the noisy electronics within the GroveWeatherPi. We noticed early on that we were getting a lot of spurious lightning detection from the device. Moving it about 30cm from the electronics in a separate pylon fixed that problem.
If you don’t want to print your own pylon, you can find this in store.switchdoc.com.
Following is the Lightning Detector Pylon openSCAD code: // // WeatherPi Lightning Sensor Block Extension // // SwitchDoc Labs 5/18/15 // // module sensorPylon() { // tube difference() { union() { cylinder(120, r=12); // flanges translate([-15,-15,0]) cube([30,30,2]); } translate([0,0,-10]) cylinder(150, r=10.5); // screw holes translate([-12,-12,-5]) #cylinder(h=10,r=2.0,$fs=6); translate([-12,12,-5]) #cylinder(h=10,r=2.0,$fs=6); translate([12,12,-5]) #cylinder(h=10,r=2.0,$fs=6); translate([12,-12,-5]) #cylinder(h=10,r=2.0,$fs=6); } } module sensorBox() { difference() { translate([-16.5,-16.5,0]) cube([43,43,33]); translate([-15,-15,-2]) cube([40,40,32]); translate([-15.5,-15.5,-1]) cube([41,41,3]); } } module sensorPlatform() { difference() { union() { translate([-17.95,-17.95,-1]) cube([40.9,40.9,2]); translate([2.5,2.5,-5]) #cylinder(5,r=10.4); } translate([2.5,2.5,-5]) #cylinder(10,r=9.0); } } /* sensorPylon(); translate([0,0,180]) sensorBox(); translate([0,0,160]) sensorPlatform(); */ translate([60,0,0]) sensorPylon(); rotate(180,[0,1,0]) { translate([50,0,-33]) sensorBox(); translate([0,0,-1]) sensorPlatform(); }