
I2C 4 Channel Mux TCA9545A Breakout Board

I2C 4 Channel Mux TCA9545A Breakout Board ($11.95) [include-page id=”buy-include-file”] The I2C 4 Channel Mux Breakout Board is a TCA9545A based quad bidirectional translating switch controlled via the I2C bus.  The SCL/SDA controlling fans out to four downstream channels.  It works for […]


Video Demo of USB Power Control Board

Video Demo of USB Power Control Board The new SwitchDoc Labs product USB Power Control board is designed to provide a controllable USB Switch for computers and other USB devices. The board switches power on and off to a USB plug. […]


Kickstarter Update – USB PowerControl Video Demo

Kickstarter Update – USB PowerControl Video Demo Our new kickstarter is “Really Useful Breakout Boards for Raspberry Pi/Arduino” and is here:  After 3 days, we are at 52% of funding.  We are loving the comments that folks are making and their excellent suggestions. […]