
MouseAir Block Diagram – Raspberry Pi

Here is the hardware block diagram for MouseAir.  MouseAir is a cat toy (fake mice) launching system.  It has the ability to read the cat’s RFID tag, motion detection as well as ultrasonic detection all controlled remotely from your iPad/iPhone running […]

MouseAir Logo

MouseAir Launcher Prototype Video

The MouseAir project is moving along nicely.  We have a deadline coming up next week for the article on this project, so things need to come together quickly. Here is a great little video showing the MouseAir Launching system. The […]

Arduino Software

Planned Upgrades for Project Curacao

Project Curacao Upgrade The box is still performing well after three weeks.  We are planning an maintenance trip to Curacao in September, 2014. The planned upgrades are: 1) Replacement of Wind Turbine (with maybe a different type) UPDATE:  August 8, […]

Project Curacao

Project Curacao Operational

Project Curacao has now been down in the Caribbean for two weeks now.  We’ve had some issues but they have been resolved.  We are writing an article for MagPi magazine describing all of our issues with the box and the […]

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Arduino Software

Software Description Done

We have published the description and architecture of the software system used for Project Curacao. Check out our Project Curacao Software Description page above.

Project Curacao

Project Curacao Installed

Today was the big day.  We mounted the Project Curacao wind turbine (here on Amazon) and the box up on the tower.  March 13, 2014. It’s running fine.  You can see the graphs and latest picture on  Thank you […]

Pi Camera

Project on Site

All of our equipment has arrived here on the island.  TSA inspected the box twice, but aside from picking up the box with the outside temperature sensor, pulling the wires off, it survived.  The temperature sensor was fixable.  There were […]

Arduino Software

Software Status (02/19/14)

Our release software is done.  It’s been in final test for the past week now.  Here is the list of  issues and latest additions.As of today (02/19/14), the current state of the software in Project Curacao is as follows:– Arduino Battery […]